Thursday, April 16, 2009


ever since that letter came, time seems so precious. as though, after that day, i'll never be able to do anything ever again. moreover, i've been turning down so many events because it all happening after that date. the feeling is really bad. every morning, im one day closer to it. every morning there's no longer that smile on my face. every morning, i fear every morning.

ive just turn down an offer to perform on stage a 25 min bbox performance just because its after that date. guess im running dry on the word and just starting to look back at myself. how empty, how dark, how dry i am without god. well, at least everyday ive something to do for now. planning for events (birthdays), dance, practise my guitar, bbox. maybe i spending so much time that i forgot to start my day right again. yes i'll start every morning with a word of prayer =)

because without God, we cannot without me, God will not

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