Saturday, January 10, 2009


TP open house, 8 Jan - 10 Jan
its a time where the public gets a chance to take a look at the the school's facilities and the courses available in the different schools.

it was also a time where a few chosen projects are put up on display for the public to view. and in this part of the section, its called, Engineering Project Show(EPS).

so, what you know, my group was one of the 80 projects, out of the 523, to be showcased to the public! (yays and boos)

it started on a serious note as, only the top 15% of the projects are shown, meaning my project was in the top 15%! cool and awkward at the same time. but things got really bored as only a handful came to view our projects. and it wasn't the kind that sticks around and asks questions about your project, but the ones that simply looks and walks away. really boring.

and oh yes! did i mention we had to wear formal with a tie for these 3 days? (probably that could be one of the many reasons why no one wants to come near our show as it seemed a little too serious) but anyway, on the last day, the students mending the projects that was shown at the frontline of the school, started to get really really bored and we started to drag random people into the show! giving them nonsensical tours and laughing our way as one just guides the people like a tour guide. really awesome of him, at the same time, really rude. rude because he kindda makes fun of all other projects that were showcased in the area. but seriously, it was still fun. =D

well, it was quite an experience. now, i have to catch up with my academic work. (haven attended classes for 2 weeks!)

fun's over. time to be serious.

5 weeks to graduation. and counting down.

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